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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Your Skills Versus Technology

I remember during college, me and some of my colleagues went to an assembly of workers protesting on what they called "some unfair labor practices" by their employers. Allegedly, they were part of a mass lay-off being implemented due to "cost-cutting" strategy of the company.

Industrialization made us to be called workers. Labor force strengthen factories and other manufacturing companies. A lot being done manually... with man's own strength. That's why companies invested also on the welfare of its workers.

As years passed by approaching the computer era and automation, labor force are being challenged by technology. A work of a hundred men 10 - 20 years ago can now be done by a single machine without any error. This means also that companies can avoid employees going on strikes and mass demonstrations. Employers saves money... less expense, less headache... more gains.

You and I are not exempted with this challenge. Our work and other skills can now be assigned to a computer system with assurance of error-proof results as long as the program and algorithms are correct.

Today, anything that can be digitalized and automated are being challenged!

This does not mean that we need to hate technology, and having this kind of attitude will not only makes things difficult but also marks you as instant loser.

So what shall we do?

Instead of being doom-sayers, let's face the fact that technology upgrades are inevitable and we need to cope up with it. But how?

Let me give you some ideas:
  • Have time in learning new things
  • Constantly search for latest technology
  • Collaborate with others
  • Instead of being afraid of the changes, learn to live with it
  • etc. etc. etc.
Bottom line... never ending learning and self improvement.

Always remember that technology comes from man. It needs our knowledge and skills for its own improvement. Do you think that your favorite office productivity softwares were programmed by a software developer without any input from someone like us? Or maybe the programmer himself is also an office admin that's why his softwares really suites our needs?

Do not be contended as end user, but rather be a source of inspiration of technology.

Learn more on how to become "untouchable", read more on Office Survival Tips!

Good night!


  1. Hi Office Assistant,

    Very True & very helpful forgotten & neglected tips!!!

    Many Thanks & Best Regards,
    ka tony

  2. Ka Tony,

    Thanks for dropping by. I will be very glad to have your insights on my posts also even though it's not as interesting as S. Enrique's. =)

    More power to you.

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