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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Office Tip # 2: Treating Your Officemates As Your Customers

As part of an organization, you should identify two types of customer: one who gives business to your company and those persons you are working with - your officemates.

Treating your officemates as your customers will not only smoothen your relationship with them but also boost the spirit of teamwork in your company. Isn't it your boss is like a very important client that you need to give special care on all requests and task he or she assigned you to do? Ignoring it means losing a deal (your job).

Imagine this, the design department sends you a thank you card for keeping their stationaries and other materials always on "on-stock" status.

If your company gave you a training on how to handle customer service, you can apply it also to your officemates.

What do you think?


  1. i like this post. keep it up

  2. I agree with you in this sense specially to a multi-cultural office where competition prevails at all times..tfs
